Anti-Bullying Week (17-21 November 2014) – Let’s Stop Bullying For All

Anti-Bullying Month Logo3-28 November 2014 is Anti-Bullying Month incorporating Anti-Bullying Week (17-21 November).

The theme for this year is ‘Let’s Stop Bullying For All’.

Bullying takes place in many ways and to different people. It can seriously affect a person’s mental and physical health. It can lead to a lack of confidence, withdrawal from friends and family, lack of participation in class and at work, anxiety, depression and poor concentration.

The College of Animal Welfare (CAW) believes that bullying is unacceptable in all forms and is committed to preventing and eliminating any form of it. The College expects acceptable standards of behaviour from both our students and staff recognising and respecting the dignity of all individuals. The College views any form of harassment, victimisation, intimidation or bullying as unacceptable behaviour and has a zero tolerance.

Get Involved!

To mark Anti-Bullying Week this year we would like all students and staff to come up with one idea on how bullying should be tackled. Your idea will be used to influence the work of the College’s equality and diversity working group over the forthcoming year and beyond.

This is your opportunity to get involved, it only takes a minute and it can really help make a difference!

You can submit your idea on our website

The person who comes up with the most creative idea, chosen by the group, will be considered for nomination towards the College’s Equality and Diversity award at the CAW Annual Student Awards Ceremony.

If you, or someone you know, is affected by bullying you can get free, confidential advice at We also encourage any student who is concerned about bullying or any other unacceptable behaviour to talk to their course tutor or a member of our Customer Advice Team (CAT). Students can find a list of CATs on the VLE.