In addition to the restyling of the RCVS Veterinary Nursing OSCE Tasks announced earlier this week, please find below details of some task changes that we have identified:
Diagnostic Imaging DI01-08
All tasks (except DI02) now state “patient” rather than GSD puppy.
The other changes are to steps 1-5. Instead of being 5 steps to complete putting a grid and cassette on the table they now state:-
1. Select an appropriate sized cassette
2. Place cassette correct way up on the table
3. Appropriate use of grid (grid used only if required, placed exactly on top of cassette and correct way up)
Key steps have been altered, and are now:-
22. Correct positioning for right lateral radiograph of thorax (to include necessary equipment)
23. Correct centring and collimation
Except the following which also include:-
DI01 – 8. Forelimbs secured with sandbags
DI02 – 8. Both hind limbs extended caudally
DI08 – 8. Forelimbs secured with sandbags