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Health and Fitness Tips of the Month: September


When somebody or something makes you unhappy, you have two choices. You can dwell on hurtful events and situations, or you can accept what has happened and focus on moving forward. It’s easy to hold onto resentment, but studies show that forgiveness can lead to a range of health benefits. These include healthier relationships, less anxiety and stress, greater psychological wellbeing, and higher self-esteem. By comparison, holding onto a grudge risks bringing anger and bitterness into your relationships with others. You risk becoming so wrapped up in negativity that you’re unable to see the bright side in anything.

Choosing to let go of resentment is not about forgetting that something painful has occurred, or about condoning bad behaviour. It is about taking responsibility over your feelings and putting yourself before those who have hurt you. Next time you’re feeling angry at someone or something, ask yourself whether it’s really worth sacrificing your health over. Instead: put it behind you and focus on your own happiness.

Eye health

Did you know the average blink lasts for about 1/10 of a second? Looking after our eyes is very important. One way to make sure your eyes are healthy is regular eye tests. The suggested time frame for our eyes to be tested is every two years; this can differ depending on age and eye conditions.

Some of the different health issues that can occur to the eye are eye disease, eye cancer, conjunctivitis and dry eye. If you think you have a health issue with your eyes seek information and help from your doctor.

If you think you may have a sight issue you can go to your local optician for an eye test which will determine what help you need e.g. Glasses.

For further information please visit the NHS website.


When was the last time you read a good book? If you’d rather be doing something else, you’re not alone. Many people struggle to find the time to read, or find more comfort in television and film; but if you’re part of the 36% of people in England that do not read for pleasure, you could be missing out on a wealth of mental health benefits.

According to a study from the University of Sussex, reading for just six minutes a day can be enough to reduce stress levels by up to 68%. Different from reading short news articles, or your social media messages – sitting down with a book involves long periods of focus and attention, keeping your mind stimulated and boosting concentration in everyday life.

Engaging with the experiences and feelings of others through reading is also associated with higher levels of empathy and improved relationships with others. If you’re looking to revitalise a love of reading, why not take a look at Amazon’s 100 Books to Read in a Lifetime?