Brand Identity
Our Name
The College of Animal Welfare
the College of Animal Welfare
The College Of Animal Welfare
… or anything else
Welcome to The College of Animal Welfare
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Print: ‘Calibri’
Website: ‘Roboto’
Font Size and Space
Document header or cover page: 28pt
Title / Chapter / Section: 20pt bold
Heading 1 : 16pt/26px bold
Heading 2 : 14pt/22px bold
Heading 3 : 12pt/19px bold
Body text: 12pt/16px
Line spacing: Multiple at: 1.15 / Paragraph Spacing 10pt/1em
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Underlining is reserved for hyperlinks
Font Colour
Learning Materials:
Dark Blue / #086384 / C97 M78 Y25 K10 / R031 G073 B125
Documents (Marketing, Correspondence, Forms, etc):
Black / #000000 / C75 M68 Y67 K90 / R000 G000 B000
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