Hedgehog Awareness Week Infographic Full Size

Hedgehog Awareness Week 2021: How to help hedgehogs

It’s Hedgehog Awareness Week 2021!

Hedgehog numbers have fallen by 30 percent in just over 10 years, and there are now thought to be fewer than 1 million left in the UK. You can help this threatened species to thrive by making small changes in your garden, such as:

  • Making your pond safe for hedgehogs by providing a ramp or shallow area so they can easily exit
  • Providing nesting sites such as log/leaf piles, wilderness areas and man made hedgehog homes
  • Checking for hedgehogs before lighting bonfires, strimming and mowing the lawn
  • Installing gapped fencing or dig a channel beneath your garden boundaries to create easy access for hedgehogs
  • Leaving out food such as meat-based dog or cat food and a dish of water
  • Keeping household rubbish above ground level to prevent entanglement

If you’re concerned about a hedgehog, The British Hedgehog Preservation Society can offer advice and help you find a rescue centre near you. To find out more visit the BHPS website.

If you would like to find out more about how you can get involved in saving this threatened species, The ‘Hedgehog Street’  is a joint campaign by the People’s Trust for Endangered Species (PTES) and the British Hedgehog Preservation Society (BHPS), which provides useful information, suggests activities and sends out regular bulletins. More information can be found on the Hedgehog Street website.

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