Lost Parakeet Tells Police its Home Address

This amazing story took place last Sunday in Yokohama, Japan, where Piko-Chan (the bird) escaped from his owner and found refuge at a nearby hotel. After being captured by hotel staff  he was handed over to the police. After several days at the station, Piko-Chan suddenly started to squark  his home addresss at startled officers. Piko-Chan was bored of his adventure and wanted to go home.

Apparently the owner had previously lost a Parakeet and so to ensure the safe return of her new pet, she trained him to recite her entire address.

FACT: One of the most common family members in the Parakeet family; the Budgerigar, holds the world record for the largest vocabulary of any bird. ‘Puck’ could speak an astonishing 1728 words and features in the 1995 edition of the Guinness book.